Audeara news

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs and the Rehabilitation Appliances Program

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs and the Rehabilitation App...

Veterans of all ages may experience hearing loss or tinnitus as a result of noise exposure during military service. The Australian Governments, Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) helps eligibl...
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Myths Surrounding Hearing Loss, Hearing Devices and Audiology

Myths Surrounding Hearing Loss, Hearing Devices and Audiology

Myths and misconceptions about people with hearing loss are common. They are often triggered by lack of understanding, fear or ignorance and should not impact your perception of the hearing health ...
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Auditory Deprivation: Why not managing a hearing loss might be bad for your health

Auditory Deprivation: Why not managing a hearing loss might be...

While Audiologists and Doctors have been making their case for years, hearing loss is often overlooked as a serious health condition and one in need of intervention. As a result of it’s typically p...
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