Audeara news
Phillip Adams – how our headphones have helped him enjoy TV again
Australian social commentator and broadcaster, Phillip Adams shares his story on how Audeara's headphones have helped him enjoy watching (and hearing) TV again... without subtitles.
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Audeara partners with NextSense
Announcing the news today with NextSense Chief Executive Chris Rehn, Audeara CEO Dr James Fielding said the two organisations shared a desire to help people reach their personal potential.
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5 healthy hearing habits your future self will thank you for
Noise is all around us. What we might not realise, is that some of our favourite sounds, the formula one cars trackside, Bernard blasting through the speakers in the stadium, they can carry with th...
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9 ways to make your workplace Hearing Healthy
At work and home, when a hearing loss or background noise is present, our brain needs to work harder to separate the two and determine what we should be paying attention to. Straining to concentrat...
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