Tinnitus Awareness Week 2024

Tinnitus Awareness Week 2024

At Audeara, we're committed to making a difference in people's lives. Participating in Tinnitus Awareness Week is important to us to shine a light on the often-overlooked issue, which affects 1 in 3 Australians.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus: A condition with a constant ringing sound in the ear in the absence of an external source, and can be caused by various underlying issues with hearing health. It is not a disease itself but rather a symptom of an underlying issue such as hearing loss, ear injury, neck or jaw issues, or circulatory system disorders. The sounds people with Tinnitus hear can vary and may include ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling, or other similar noises.

While 30% of Australians report having Tinnitus each year, 15-20% of people report constant Tinnitus. For 2% of people their Tinnitus is very distressing. Tinnitus can impact a person’s mental health with 45% of people with Tinnitus experiencing anxiety, and 33% experiencing depression. It can even cause suicidal thoughts. This can have a significant effect on a person's life. Therefore, raising awareness and the support available for people with Tinnitus is important.

Don Betts

Musician Don Betts is just one of many who experience Tinnitus. For the past 40 years, Don Betts has been immersed in the world of music, playing in various bands. Despite contemplating joining the Royal Military College Duntroon during his youth, his true passion has always been music. The turning point came when his cousin, a well-known band member, encouraged him to pursue his dream of becoming a guitarist – a choice that has defined Don's life ever since.

Fast forward to today, and Don is still rocking out. However, the prolonged exposure to the loud world of guitars has taken a toll on his hearing health. Don's life in the fast lane of rock 'n' roll has not been without consequences. For a musician like Don, hearing loss and persistent ringing in his ears have posed significant challenges, interfering with his ability to fully appreciate the nuances of creating music. Thanks to Audeara’s Headphones, Don has rediscovered what he loves most. Music.

“I'm a true believer. I've tried to convince as many people as I possibly can. This has just, you know, changed my aural experience.”

While Don experiences just mild levels of Tinnitus daily, the symptoms can be more extreme with temporary or chronic effects in one or both ears, or be perceived more centrally in the head. While you may hear Tinnitus in your ears, it is generated by the brain. Many people with Tinnitus do not find it problematic, but for those who experience problematic Tinnitus, management is key, and there is help available.

It’s important to know that Tinnitus does not have a one size fits all treatment, so if you are struggling at any stage, or the treatments you have tried are not working, seek further assistance. A good place to start is to get checked out by your GP and hearing care professional. There are a range of treatments available for Tinnitus and a qualified professional can guide you to the best treatments for you.

Another useful source of information and resources is the Tinnitus Australia website at www.tinnitusaustralia.org.au

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